Mummy and me wrote a blog. We are reading a book called Flat Stanley.
by Poppy and Mummy 2BS
Mummy and me wrote a blog. We are reading a book called Flat Stanley.
by Poppy and Mummy 2BS
I went to Turkey for my holiday. I went to the beach and collected lots of rocks.
Aman Flora and my mummy
Mum came to stay and blog without Faith today I learnt about what year 2 are blogging about. Faith would have liked to be here, never mind I will tell her about it later this today. Faith can write about what she does outside of school. For instance she is learning to play the Viola maybe Faith could play a piece of music in class.
My brother and I have been blogging.Am enjoying showing my brother and mum how to to publish stories.
by Matthew 2BS
At school their was something strange? Their was a hole in the middle of school. Also everyone was sad. I decided to go into the hole when the teacher had be quick so I went down the hole. I saw a monster stop ped it and the school was saved
Ayo 3G
Me, my mum and my brother were blogging in my class We were happy to do this together
Hana, mum and Ahmed
We have been leaning about Flat Stanley. He was asleep and the picture frame fell on him then he was flattened.
by Joshua mum Samuel 2BS
Stay and blog is fun.
at stay and blog miss Howard explained how the children used the school laptops and iPads for blogging.
after miss Howard explained all that the children went into their classrooms and the parents followed.
in the classrooms we went on the iPads and done some blogging.
after the blogging we left the Classroms we went home.
by Joshua’s brother Samuel Donegan
Me and my mum are blogging. At swimming we are practicing for our garler.
by Megan 2bs..