Hello pupils and parents, in st.edwards when you reach year 5 and 6 at the beige I get of the year you will do TAG RUGBY.TAG RUGBY is lead by our beloved Rugby coach Scott.

This is a big opportunity for year 5 because it is the first time we have done this everyone is exited about who is getting into the team this year.We get to play lots of fun games with Scott including passing games,running games and the best part is scoring the try’s.

In our school we enter tournaments with our school teams to win medals for individuals and a trophy trophy for our school.The school TAG RUGBY TEAM enjoys competing against other schools at the tournaments.

So far in year 5 and 6 we have been enjoying doing this amazing sport TAG RUGBY. On Thursday morning and arfternoon with our beloved coach Scott.

By Brendon,Tracy and Finlay

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