Year 2’s Science Experiment

This week in Year 2 we have started a science experiment about growing runner beans. We are growing 3 beans in our classroom. One of the beans is in water and in the daylight. Another bean is in the daylight but has no water in the cup. The last bean has water but it is in the dark. On Wednesday, we made predictions about how we think the beans will grow. Leah thought the bean with the water in the light will grow the best because the bean need’s water to grow. Poppy thought the bean in the dark with water will grow because it has water to help it grow.

These pictures below show our beans as we begin our experiment.

We will observe the growth of the bean next Wednesday in our science lesson.

From 2P


Cup 1 (left) has water and is in light.

Cup 2 (right) has light but does not have water.


Cup 3 has water but does not have any light.

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