Monthly Archives: April 2017

my stay and blog session

Today was my Stay and Blog session. Miss Howard took the children and parents in the blue area and explained what a blog is. Then we went into the classroom and tried to publish our own blog on the iPad. Stay and on Blog is fun.


Anna Poppy Clover and Mummy

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Blogging in school

We have been blogging in school we wrote about the trip to the farm and we were learning about blogging. I also went on a alphabetical Easter egg hunt in the holidays and won a Easter chocolate bunny!


By Vinnie Whybrow and mummy

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My school blog

We went to swimming today



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Year 2 Easter story

Yesterday we were learning about the Easter story. First some people in Jerusalem were waving  some palms in front of Jesus. Some priests were jealous that Jesus was popular. Jesus shared some bread with the disciples and that was the last supper. He was then crucified. He rose again 3 days later.

By Tara, Yaw and Poppy 2BS

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Easter story by year 2

Yesterday some of year 2, learned about the whole Easter  story. In the first place, people who lived in the village waved their palm leaves to welcome Jesus. Two priests were very jealous of Jesus. Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples.This is called the Last Supper. Judas betrayed Jesus and peter denied he knew him 3 times. Jesus prayed in the garden of   Gethsemane. Jesus was crucified and rose 3 days later.

By Wenting and Aliyah   2BS





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Easter story in year 2

Yesterday in RE, we were taking about the Easter story . The priests  were jealous that Jesus was popular. Next Judas betrayed Jesus by telling all of the soldiers where Jesus was. After that Jesus sat down with his disciples and he broke the bread and shared it with his disciples also he shared the wine together. Peter denied that he knew Jesus.  Jesus prayed while his disciples were sleeping. Jesus had to carry the cross up the hill and then Jesus was crucified and was dead. Jesus was in a tomb and he was there for ever but then an angel came and opened the tomb 3 days later.

Alisha Sena,  Ruby Fenwick and Toore Tomori 2BS


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Year 2’s Easter Story

Yesterday we learnt about the Easter story. We learnt that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and people were waving Palm leaves. Everyone was excited about jesus’s  arrival.But the priests were jealous.Also someone called Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the soldiers where Jesus was. Then Jesus had supper with his disciples. It was called The Last Supper. Jesus went to a garden to pray but his disciples were asleep. When he finished he was cruficied. Three days later he was risen from the dead.

The End

by Lucas ,Kosi and Fabian

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Yesterday we learnt about the Easter story.  So first it was when Jesus was on a camel and villagers were waving palm leaves.The priests were jealous of  Jesus.So Judas betrayed Jesus for money. Then Jesus and the disciples had the last supper and had bread and wine and washed their feet.They went to a garden and Jesus went to pray and the others sleeping on the floor.

Bibire. Jason. Gideon. 2BS


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Year 2 amazing trip to the farm

2BS went to an amazing trip to the farm. We saw a pig with 13  piglets. We saw a cute chick. We were amazed because we went in a goat pen. Then we saw the naughty goose.We saw a brown bull.We saw lots of baby lambs. We saw some great apple trees.

by Matthew, Megan and Joshua 2BS

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A trip to the farm in year 2.

In year 2 we visited a farm and we stroked the pigs and they smelt disgusting like poop. The chicks were so soft and fluffy. The bull was red and had flies all over its face. The goat’s had big  horns that are really strong. The plants were trees,vegetables and flowers.


Milly, Kairan and Kimberley2BS

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