Category Archives: Year 2

2P’s Literacy’s Lesson

On Tuesday we started a book called “The Secret of Santa’s Island”. We were trying to guess what Santa’s island would look like. As a whole class, we drew a big picture of what we thought would be in his island. we drew reindeer’s playing on the beach, elves relaxing and listening to music and someone drew Santa lying on the sunny, hot beach. We had a lot of fun drawing our class picture. Poppy’s favourite part was drawing Rudolf having a nap. Jensen’s favourite part was drawing the different palm trees and decorating them.

Here are some photos to show our class drawing the picture.

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2H’s exciting cinema trip

On Tuesday 14th November 2H and all of Year 2 went to the cinema in Romford. We were lucky enough to watch The Emoji movie. Other schools were there too. We really enjoyed the film. Aayra thought the film was “really exciting,” and Thomas said “the film made us all laugh because it was really funny.” When we got back to school we wrote about our favourite emoji. 2H gave the film 5 stars!!

2H 🙂

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2P’s Trip to the Cinema!

On Tuesday, we went to the cinema with the other Year 2 classes.

We walked from school to the Brewery to watch the Emoji Movie. We walked quietly in to the cinema as the movie was starting. We ate our raisins and started to watch the film. We really enjoyed the movie. Our favourite parts was when Gene was trying to guess the password for the firewall. We also liked the ending when all the emoji’s were doing the Emoji Pop as well as when jailbreak showed us that she was actually the Princess.

When the movie had finished we were all dancing to the music. We had a lot of fun!

From 2P

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Year 2 trip to the cinema.

On Tuesday we went to the cinema. We had a long walk to get there and we went under a subway. We had a good time at the cinema watching the Emoji movie. The emojis were funny but some parts of the movie were sad. We made our teachers very proud with our excellent behaviour. We sat really well and listened quietly.

From 2SO

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Wellgate Farm

Today we enjoyed a visit from Wellgate Farm. The farmers brought a selection of animals including a cow, sheep, goats, geese and a Polish hen. The children were able to feed and pet the animals and enjoyed interacting with them. The children were so keen to meet the animals they kept a close eye on them throughout their lunchtime, waiting for their turn. We were lucky it was such a warm, sunny day and the animals enjoyed the shade under the trees and bushes.

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Outdoor Learning Day Year 2

On Thursday 18th May 2017 Year 2 took part in the national outdoor learning day.

They spent time outside making a bird feeder using cheerios, string and pipe cleaners.

The children were all so impressed with their bird feeders and couldn’t wait to take them home and hang them up!


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Samuel at the farm

I went to the farm last week with my friends. I went on a minibus. I saw a chicken with an egg, piglets, sheep, lambs. My favourite was Barney the bull because he has a ring in his nose.


Samuel 2H

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Stay and blog in year 2

Mrs Howard talked to the parents about stay and blog in year.We went into our class room and did some bloging.


By David Anna and Kimberley.

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Pokemon Go

In Pokemon go you walk around the place for a example library.

Here are some Pokemon



so get playing.


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Eevee evoulotion trick

eevee has many evolutions  but if you’re fussy and want a particular Pokemon you can follow this trick.

Flareon – pyro

jolteon – sparky

vapeoreon – rainny

espeon – sakura

umbreon – tamao

by vinnie remember leave a comment

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