Author Archives: Deleted User

Human Digestive system.

In year 4 we are learning all about how our bodies work to digest food we eat.

We have had great fun watching clips on how the food we eat travels through our digestive system, whilst also doing some interesting activities to put our knowledge to the test.


A interactive board helps us to identify the key parts of the body whilst letting us scan a code and watch a few short clips of what the Digestive system does.

Mrs Richmond

Our Interactive display board.

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Year 5 Public Speech competition!

 Year 5 was invited to a Public speech competition, competing against 5 other schools. They had to answer the question “Why is the rain forest important?”

 5 Students competed in this competitions and did very well, they also had the opportunity to meet the mayor!



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Christmas in school!

School has been decorated by staff and students which has the mood about Christmas all around the world.

Here is some examples of the decorations.

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Year 3&4 – 5&6 Athletics!

Years 3-6 competed in an athletics competition against all the schools in Havering. Years 3&4 competed on 30th and years 5&6 on the 29th. Both groups placed 2nd against 30+ schools which is a big achievement.

Digital leaders and students made a short news round video about the event, hope you enjoy it!

(Video is broken into 4 parts as it could not upload as 1 file)

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Year 6’s trip to the Gudwara!

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On Monday the 13th of November 2017, year 6 went to a Gurdwara in Ilford to learn about the Sikh religion.
We got to school and sorted ourselves out for the day and we set of at 9:15.
We are lucky enough to have a Sikh classmate that was able to give us some extra information about their religion.

First, we got the 86 bus to Ilford, when we arrived, we had to put our head scarfs on outside the Gurdwara as we were not allowed in the Gurdwara with our heads showing and then we had to take our shoes off. Next, the guide took us into a room where he then informed us about the Sikh religion and what it’s like to be a Sikh.

He told us lots of information about Sikhism; over 100,000 people go to the Golden Temple every day in Punjab- India, to eat holy food and that even if you are not Sikh, you can still go to the Golden Temple to eat and pray.
After we went downstairs into the dining area, we were given chips and beans in a metal tray, once we got our food, we went and sat down on the floor, were also given water or juice. Some of us had packed lunches but not containing meat to show respect to their beliefs.

We really enjoyed our trip to the Gurdwara- it’s a trip we will never forget as we learned about other peoples beliefs in our world! We hope to learn more about the Sikh religion!
By: Bethel,Freya,Alexandra-mae,Ameya,Kiyane (6RG)




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